Universal Translator 1. I could speak to people in my language, which the universal translator translated into their language and understand people speaking in other languages in my language using the universal translator. 2. The universal translator was activated when time travelling. 3. The people with robot implants appeared to have no arms to prevent scientific transgressions. 4. The people appeared to be from the time because of their language and clothes. 5. Visiting a time with an A was nicer. 6. I wrote an A after the halfway point of my Master degree. 7. I wrote the translation command, which recognised speech, translated it and played it. 8. I researched the language from books and previous conversations. 9. Without the universal translator, people would be drawn to research and take away knowledge, which would lead to transgressions. 10. The universal translator allowed friendships to form. 11. I didn't rely on the universal translator, instead I wrote ideas based on knowledge from my time. 12. I didn't take risks with meanings with the universal translator, instead speaking clearly. 13. I took notice of local ways, and took care around mentioning physical child birth for example. 14. I noticed that the universal translator was designed by an intelligence, not the universe. 15. I noticed that the latest changes to the language propagated through the system. 16. I noticed that the universal translator translated the current, not past or future forms of the language. 17. I noticed that the language was specific to the person at the time. 18. One time I remember someone making what sounded like a grammatical error in English. 19. I wondered whether the error was on purpose, to suggest the person was speaking informally, or whether they had no counterpart in their language. 20. I was aware that breasoned out thoughts thought of while speaking were translated. 21. I was aware back-translation might improve the quality of text to be translated. 22. I acknowledged the person speaking. 23. I was worried about a lingua franca (a blend of languages) getting lost in translation. 24. I chose the idea of a language to teach and taught it to the person while time travelling. 25. I worried about object names changing (for example, talking about a tram as an intergalactic ship). 26. I left the details of space travel to the captain. 27. I drew the object that I had referred to, and realised that it had been translated or edited out. 28. I earned the award for the universal translator software increasing thoughts where necessary. 29. I noticed that the writer of the universal translator had researched languages from both times and that transgressions had been edited out. 30. I avoided saying anything unnecessary to be translated. 31. From my understanding, both some ideas could be quickly computed, and I shouldn't rely on difficult things or make mistakes. 32. My research was the equivalent of a Prolog algorithm, for example, travelling to the city and back. 33. I contemplated visiting the giants, at the best times, and researched their languages (which would be translated). 34. I was unsure whether the universal translator existed, because I was speaking to people in English and overheard someone talk in Chinese, so why would the universal translator choose one language to be translated into English over another? 35. I also wondered whether the universal translator existed because the people seemed to have English accents. 36. I thought the universal translator existed because I heard someone mention a country name that I recognised, when it was so far in the future (assuming time travel had worked). 37. I noticed that voids were knowledge-filled with the help of the universal translator, for example, I could make philosophical connections easily while time travelling. 38. I wondered whether the universal translator had a tabling feature that saved common translations. 39. I agreed with the authenticity (necessity) of the universal translator. 40. I queried whether the universal translator was natural if it was man-made, and then realised breasonings, universes may be man-made. 41. I didn't notice the universal translator when speaking with someone. 42. I noticed the technology got me safely home when the universal translator had skipped some data (like time travel worked with meditation). 43. I thought that the simulation was the most complex algorithm, followed by time travel and replication, universal translation, then mind reading and an internet browser. 44. The universal translator gave a signal to exit, for example when the conversation had finished. 45. The universal translator gave a signal to start a conversation, for example to remind the people to pick up dropped clothing. 46. The universal translator encouraged the conversation to be about knowledge in the intersection of the participants, i.e. mentioning the angles of a polyhedron, could be calculated using the mathematics of the day. 47. The time travelling student only experienced content from their home time, no transgressions of knowledge. 48. The universal translator both helped the conversants to think of, and breason out the objects they mentioned. 49. The time traveller and the bot cloning his movements in his home time experienced the same type of thing as usual - the home bot didn't need the universal translator and the time traveller experienced universally translated intersectional knowledge, perhaps the home bot experienced a reality with bots representing the people the time traveller experienced, in terms of people from the home time. 50. Repeating or going on to the next step in the conversation was represented, edited out or added by the universal translator. 51. Memories of previous parts of the conversation were maintained by the universal translator. 52. There was a free car inserted by the simulation matching one in the home time, mentioned by the universal translator. 53. The idea of a single universe was scorned, and the robot government accounted for all universes, as represented by the universal translator. 54. The people experienced life and objects subjectively, branching out to value the realism of others' lives with their own. 55. The time traveller showed an interest in future history, survival and time travel as a life-saving device. 56. after tempold